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What Is Lapiplasty Surgery?

What Is Lapiplasty Surgery?

What Is Lapiplasty Surgery?

How Bunions Might Be Affecting Your Life

Those who deal with bunions know how uncomfortable they can be. A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe. Smaller bunions can also develop on the joint of your little toe. A bunion occurs when some of the bones in the front part of the foot move out of place, causing the tip to get pulled towards the smaller toes and forcing the joints to stick out. Symptoms of bunions include:

  • A bulging bump on the outside of the base of the big toe
  • Swelling, redness, or soreness around the big toe joint
  • Calluses where the first and second toes meet
  • Continuous pain in the toe area
  • Limited movement of the big toe

Some of the risk factors of bunions include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Individuals who have rheumatoid arthritis are more prone to developing bunions because of the toll that inflammation can have on the joints. Erosion of the joints in the toes can cause shifting and dislocating, which can lead to bunions.

  • Wearing tight shoes or high-heel shoes often

The reason that wearing high heels can lead to bunions is because it forces your toes into the front area of your shoes, which can crowd your toes. This is also true for tight, narrow shoes that force the big toe outwards and do not give the toes sufficient space.

  • Heredity

Bunions tend to run in families because the foot shape and structure is hereditary, and some foot structures are more predisposed to developing bunions.

Benefits of a Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction

At Bux-Mont Foot & Ankle Care Centers, we offer Lapiplasty™ 3D bunion correction, which is a new type of innovative surgery that allows your foot to look more organically natural while restoring your foot to its anatomically correct position. The procedure works by using advanced instrumentation to correct the metatarsal bone in all three dimensions. These instruments are specifically designed to move the bone back into its natural position. The metatarsal bone is the long bone of the foot that connects the ankle to the toes. They are the bones that help you balance when you stand and walk, so they are extremely important. The procedure works to restore proper alignment, remove the bump, and straighten the toe. During the process, the unstable joint is fused with titanium plates, which permanently secure the correction in place.

Some of the benefits of this cutting-edge surgery include:

  • Repositioning of the misaligned metatarsal bone in all three dimensions: vertically, horizontally, and rotationally
  • Dramatically reduces risk of recurring bunions post-procedure
  • Natural removal of the protrusion/bump
  • Straightening out of the toe
  • Restoration of the affected bones to their proper alignment
  • Secured foundation of newly corrected toe
  • Minimal bone removal, eliminating the risk of bone shortening
  • Ability to walk within days of the procedure
  • Consistent, reliable, and functional results

Lapiplasty vs. Traditional Bunion Surgery

A Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction differs from a traditional bunion surgery in the sense that traditional surgeries use a 2D approach.

Traditional Bunion Surgery

During a traditional procedure, the bone is cut in half and the top part is pushed over to lessen the appearance of the bump. However, this procedure only addresses part of the metatarsal as it only cuts through a single plane of motion. Traditional procedures work to bring your foot to its natural state, but they do not address the underlying cause of the bunion, which is the unstable joint at the base of the toe.

Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction

The Lapiplasty 3D procedure is less invasive and leads to long-term results. It also provides patients the ability to walk around six to eight weeks faster than with a traditional surgery.

Lapiplasty Recovery

The amount of time needed will depend on your individual condition, and we can help evaluate this at your appointment. It generally takes about 6 weeks to fully recover from the procedure. Although the Lapiplasty surgery will make your recovery process much quicker, you should still plan to take a few days off of work to rest. You might also need to avoid strenuous activities for a short period following the procedure. If you experience pain or swelling, it might help to elevate your foot and put ice or a cold pack on it for 10 to 20 minutes per hour.

When recovering from bunion surgery, it is important to get plenty of rest. This will speed up the process so you can return to your regular routine as quickly as possible.

About Our Lapiplasty Expertise

Our team at Bux-Mont Foot & Ankle Care Center have made it a priority to offer Lapiplasty 3D bunion surgery because we believe that it will provide superior results for our patients. Our goal for our patients is to help them on the road to a more comfortable, functional life, and this procedure is one way we can help patients with bunions achieve that. Our compassionate foot doctors are committed to addressing any foot and ankle issues our patients might have and helping them find healing.

If you are struggling with bunions and would like to learn more about our Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction procedure, call us at (215) 392-4009 or contact us online.
